Sakurajima Hotel さくらじまほてる

All rooms in this scenic hotel boast beautiful ocean views overlooking the majestic Kinko Bay. Relax and enjoy the idyllic atmosphere, or take a dip in the open-air baths. The panoramic views of Kinko Bay combined with the mineral-rich hot spring water from Sakurajima create a true bathing paradise.
*Day guests are also welcome at the public baths. Please contact the hotel in advance.

Accommodations with hot spring facilities Accommodations with views of Sakurajima

Basic Information

Address 891-1544 鹿児島県鹿児島市古里町1078-64
Address(English) 1078-64 Furusato-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, 891-1544
Access ・ Approx. 15 minutes by car from Sakurajima Port Sakurajima Ferry Terminal
・ Approx. 60 minutes by bicycle from Sakurajima Port Sakurajima Ferry Terminal
Car Park Yes
Number of guest rooms Japanese-style room (10 tatami mat size): 15 rooms
Total number of rooms: 15 rooms
Bathing facility Large bath (communal bath)/hot spring/outdoor bath
Telephone Number 099-221-2311
Accepted credit cards Visa
Wi-Fi Free Wifi


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