Sakurajima Morning Hill Climb by E-Bike

Basic Information

Meeting place Sakurajima Ferry Terminal
Address of the meeting place 61-4 Sakurajimayokoyama-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Access to the meeting place Within Sakurajima Port Sakurajima Ferry Terminal
・ From the city area, 8 minutes’ walk from Suizokukan-guchi streetcar stop toward Kagoshima Port Sakurajima Ferry Terminal, then approx. 15 minutes on Sakurajima Ferry from Kagoshima Port
・ From the city area, 3 minutes’ walk from Suizokukan-mae stop on the #16 city bus line toward Kagoshima Port Sakurajima Ferry Terminal, then approx. 15 minutes on Sakurajima Ferry from Kagoshima Port
Required time 3 hours
Restrictions Minimum age of passengers is 15
Language Support English
Event fees 10,000yen/person
Cancellation fees Check when you make a reservation
In case of rain or bad weather Check when you make a reservation
Reservations Required
How to make a reservation Web
Time span for accepting a reservation 2 days before
Address 891-1418 鹿児島県鹿児島市桜島小池町1327
Language English
Telephone Number 099-245-2550

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