Hachiman くろぶたしゃぶなべ はちまん

Healthy local kurobuta pork dishes

The restaurant offers healthy local dishes such as Kagoshima kurobuta pork shabu shabu. Rice porridge at the end of the meal is warming. The restaurant offers a large selection of rare and premium shochus.

Center of the city (downtown)
Kurobuta pork shabu shabu

Basic Information

Address 890-0053 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町2-4 2F
Address(English) 2F, 2-4 Chuo-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Access Approx. 2 minutes’ walk from Kagoshima Chuo Station
Open 11:30am - 1:30am (L.O.1:00am)
※open until 2:30am on Friday and Saturday and the day before National holiday
[Lunch]11:30am - 2:30pm
Closures Irregular holidays
Telephone Number 099-813-0088
Language (Menu) English
Accepted credit cards Visa, Master, American Express, Unionpay, JCB, Diners Club
Price (Lunch) 1,001yen - 3,000yen
(Dinner) 4,001yen - 5,000yen
Covid-19 countermeasures Alcohol disinfection, partition plate, temperature measurement
Links TripAdvisor EN


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