Soup Curry Restaurant - Satsuma Goya Tenmonkan Shop すーぷかれーせんもんてん さつまごうや てんもんかんてん

Soup curry made with the choicest spices

Goya’s soup curry is made from carefully selected natural ingredients, which are simmered for over 10 hours in bouillon and then prepared over three days. The result is meat which is incredibly tender, with a full, mellow flavor. The menu is also a hit with women who want to improve their metabolism, beauty, and diet. With 19 items on the menu, as well as a rich variety of spice levels and toppings, the restaurant is a perfect fit for anyone.

Center of the city (downtown)
Vegetarian Muslim Friendly

Basic Information

Address 892-0827 鹿児島県鹿児島市中町2-13
Access Approx. 2 minute’s walk down Haikara Dori from Tenmonkan-dori tram stop
Open 11:00am - 10:00pm (L.O.9:30pm)
Closures Open every day
Telephone Number 099-225-8188
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Price (Lunch) 1,001yen - 2,000yen
(Dinner) 1,001yen - 2,000yen
Covid-19 countermeasures Alcohol disinfection, partition plate
Links Soup Curry Restaurant - Satsuma Goya - Official Website


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