Festivalo16 ふぇすてぃばろ じゅうろく

Yum! Stylish Kagoshima sweets

The "Lovely" karaimo sweet potato rare cake, the rich-tasting "Capresse" for ganache chocolate lovers, and the stunning "Lindo" with its vivid purple coloring from purple sweet potato are the big sellers here. The "Surfboard Financier," which uses rice flour and has very cute packaging, makes a great souvenir. This shop is near the Kagoshima Chuo Station Highway Bus and Airport Bus terminal, and has a cafe. Also available in-store are freshly baked pastries, yakiimo drinks and soft-serve ice cream.

Center of the city (downtown)
Local sweets Sweet Potato Sweets Kagoshima sweets

Basic Information

Address 890-0053 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町16-2 南国甲南ビル1階
Address(English) 1F, Nangoku Konan Bldg, 16-2 Chuo-cho, Kagoshima City
Access 3 minutes' walk from Kagoshima Chuo Station
Open Shopping 9:00am - 7:00pm
Cafe 10:00am-4:00pm(L.O.)
Closures Jan. 1
Accepted credit cards Visa, Master, American Express, Unionpay, JCB, Diners Club


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