Gyu-ta ぎゅうかつ ぎゅうた

Irresistible Gyukatsu Beef Cutlets that Bring Out Rich Umami and Aroma

Made primarily with Kagoshima-produced Kuroge wagyu beef, this restaurant's specialty gyukatsu beef cutlets are a local delicacy that brings out the beef's natural umami savoriness and flavors. To achieve a light, refreshing taste, lean cuts are coated with a thin layer of batter and then fried to perfection.
The restaurant offers both counter and table seating, providing a warm and relaxing atmosphere where you can savor high-quality gyukatsu beef cutlets, crafted with premium ingredients and expert technique.

Center of the city (downtown)
Tonkatsu Kuroushi beef

Basic Information

Address 892-0845 鹿児島県鹿児島市樋之口町5-22
Address(English) 5-22 Tenokuchi-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Access Approx. 5-minute walk from the Shinyashiki tram stop
Open Lunch: 11:00am - 3:00pm (L.O. 2:30pm)
Dinner: From 6:00pm
Closures Wednesdays
Telephone Number 099-227-1750
Links TripAdvisor EN


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