Statue of Tenshoin てんしょういんぞう

A woman from Kagoshima who played an important role during the turbulent period at the end of the Edo Period

This is a statue of Tenshoin (Princess Atsu), who married a shogun in the Edo Period and managed the Women’s quarters of Edo Castle during the turbulent period before the restoration. She is said to have played a major role to in realizing the “bloodless surrender of the castle” and preventing war between the Edo Shogunate and the new Meiji government. The statue depicts a woman who maintained the Kagoshima spirit and trusted her instincts during a period that saw dynamic changes.

Center of the city (downtown)
History, historic places

Basic Information

Address 892-0853 鹿児島県鹿児島市城山町7-2(鶴丸城跡) 鹿児島県歴史・美術センター黎明館前庭
Access ・ 1 minute’s walk from Satsumagishihi-mae on the Kagoshima City View line
・ Approx. 10 minutes’ walk from Shiyakusho-Mae streetcar stop
Links Kagoshima The Official Tourism Website
Remarks 建立年月日 平成22年12月19日
制作者 : 中村晋也氏


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